The BSR/IICRC S900 Standard for Professional Remediation of Illicit Drugs, Cannabis, and Nicotine Residue will encompass necessary processes for employers and workers when remediating materials and contents within structures affected by illicit drugs, cannabis, and nicotine residues. This standard will cover the required personal protective equipment, engineering controls, proper work practices and processes necessary for remediation and covers specific methods based upon type of contamination, e.g. powder, chemical, and combustion residues.
The IICRC seeks volunteers for this Standard from companies performing remediation, property owners, property managers, government agencies, e.g. Housing and Urban Development, Insurance carriers including agents and adjusters, Independent insurance adjusting companies, Public Property Adjusters, Third-Party Administrators, Environmental hygiene companies, Property Management Agencies, and Real Estate companies.
Why Participate?
ANSI/IICRC Standards are voluntary consensus-based standards that are accepted as the standard of care in the industry. Those who participate have a vote on the Standard and can influence what is included and what is not. Participation gives you a voice in the development of the Standard.
Note: BSR is the ANSI Board of Standards Review that reviews and approves Standards as American National Standards. All new Standards under development are designated as BSR/IICRC till such time that they receive final approval from ANSI and can be published.